With improved heat stability and durability, this middle-class model is Project Mu-developed using FC cast-iron. The fins feature an original radiating shape that increases heat release. Ideal for a wide range of driving scenarios from the street to the circuit.

  • 車検対応品
  • 特殊熱処理済
  • サーキット走行可
  • 耐熱塗装600℃
  • ストレート8スリット
  • 防錆メッキ処理
Structure 1Piece
Material FC cast iron
Slit Round / Six slits per side; twelve on both sides
マッチングリスト 各種製品の車種別適合表はこちらから

※SCR are designed for high braking performance rather than wear-resistance and silence. Therefore, brake pads may wear faster than normal and some noise may be emitted when braking.

SCR PRO 無塗装品
Uncoated type

Product specifications, prices, manufacture and sales are subject to change or termination without notice.